" Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish."
Author: -- Author:Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Welcoming a new baby into the family is an amazing experience, not just for you and your partner but for your first born too.
I know while I was pregnant with my second son it seemed hard to understand how I could possibly love anyone else as much as I loved my first born... that is until I first layed eyes on my precious baby boy. The quote above really does hit home when talking about adding to your family.
This wonderful little family is awaiting the arrival of their second baby, and new brother or sister for their first little man Mr S. It was so lovely meeting them and capturing some beautiful images for this gorgous woman! And I do mean gorgeous! Look at how stunning she is, she was just glowing!
I can not wait to hear of the safe arrival of their precious new baby and I am so looking forward to capturing more images for them as they get to know & fall in love with this new arrival.
Thank you so much Tanya for choosing me and I hope you enjoy your sneak peek.
Koroli xxx